I would love to work on another part. I was really in hurry with the first one because i had another
big animation going on for the halloween 2013 collab. My next big project starts in january so now
I have time to animate stuff.
-The Goup Idea is interesting and I bet that its alot more fun doing projects together with other
people...but were spread all over the world and being in contact by chatting is a bit desperate :D
And it can be really really hard to come up with a story . There will alwayes be someone who disagrees with the script( especially me and my weird Horror taste :D)
-The Contious Story is a great Idea and I definatly gonna support that...it will be a challange but
it will pay out in the end.
Cant wait to start!! :D
Personally I wouldn't want other animators helping me with a piece. Voice actors and sound artists are fine though since I can do neither (Except gathering sounds from the internet).
I'm not sure how you will be going about having it all one continuous story. My assumption is each person storyboards what they are going to do before animating so the next person can create theirs. Either that or you plan out the whole story yourself, which doesn't leave much room for creativity.
Plus, a continuous story would require everyone to finish their part so you can't go accepting people who've never submitted anything.
I think grouping would be encouraged but not required, I try to do Google+ Hangouts for creative talks or whatever, I think it would help everybody just to talk aloud about ideas etc.
- One Idea I had for the second part is everybody will have different "Versions" of the girl, and I could do a ending where all the versions get teleported into the same room and fight.
- Another would end it where it explains everything she went through was all in her head.
- I was also thinking about doing a chronological assignments, like somebody animates day 1, another day 2, another day 3, another day 9, etc.
I keep brainstorming different ideas and jot down the ones that I like.